English (UK)
Scientific principles of field emitters, nanoelectronic systems based on carbon nanotubes in dielectric layers on silicon substrate

The study field emission properties of carbon nanotubes formed on the basis of the structures Si/SiO2/Ni, showed the promise of their use as cathodes in field emission and low threshold for long-term stability.

Revealed high stability of emission current and the luminosity of the screen and the cathode on the basis of the structure Si/SiO2/Ni with CNTs. Current change during the measurement (5 hours) did not exceed 8%, its highest stability was observed at an interelectrode distance of 1 mm.


Deposition of nickel into the pores

The pores in the layer of SiO2 on n-Si substrate is partially filled with nickel


Synthesis of carbon nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes grown on Ni clusters


Investigation of field emission properties of cathodes made of carbon nanotubes

Measurement of the luminosity with increasing applied potential (cathode-anode distance of 1 mm). As the cathode structure used in CNT (the results obtained at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry. Nikolaev, SB RAS)

Depending on the distance between planes cathode-anode, a change in luminosity depending on the area of ​​the applied field. By increasing the interelectrode distance decreases the threshold of field emission current, which also leads to the appearance of luminosity at lower field strengths. With an interelectrode distance of 0.1 mm light field area of less than 20%, even taking into account the faint regions. The increase in cathode-anode distance of 0.5 mm resulted in a decrease of the threshold field for the luminosity of the screen, and an increase in the relative light-emitting area. With further increase of the interelectrode distance of 1 and 3 mm was observed saturation of the light curve.

The study field emission properties of carbon nanotubes formed on the basis of the structures Si/SiO2/Ni, showed the promise of their use as cathodes in field emission and low threshold for long-term stability.




  • Institute of Inorganic Chemistry. Nikolaev, Novosibirsk, Russia


The project

Project on the Programme of Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research "Nauka - MS"


Links to articles

Канюков Е.Ю., Демьянов С.Е., Петров А.В., Окотруб А.В., Возможность использования пористых систем Si/SiO2 для формирования массива углеродных нанотрубок // Сборник докладов XIII Ежегодного Симпозиума "Нанофизика и наноэлектроника", 16-20 марта 2009 г., Н.Новгород, Россия, с. 268-269.



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