English (UK)
Scientific principles of the field of gas sensors based on systems with carbon nanotubes in dielectric layers on silicon substrate.

The study gas-sensitive properties of carbon nanotubes formed on the basis of the structures Si/SiO2/Ni, showed that under the action of ammonia and nitric oxide nanotubes are changing the value of the conductivity in different directions - the interaction of NH3 with the conductivity decreases and the interaction with NO2 increases. This is due to charge interaction with the outer walls of nanotubes adsorbed molecules, which may be due to the doping of carbon nanotubes with electrons in the process of physical adsorption of molecules NH3.


Investigation of sensory characteristics of CNT array in a dielectric matrix.

Time dependence of the resistance measurement otnosilnogo sensor with CNTs under the influence of NH3 (two gas) and under the influence of NO2. The arrows indicate the moments of the gas supply.

It should be noted that the relative change in resistance when exposed to NO2 greater than when exposed to ammonia gas the same concentration. This indicates a higher efficiency of interaction of a molecule of nitric oxide with carbon nanotubes, which also appears to increase the recovery time of the sample. A series of experiments on the effects of NH3 on a periodic array of carbon nanotubes showed the decrease in magnitude of response during prolonged cycling.

The foregoing demonstrates the prospects of using structures with Si/SiO2/Ni CNTs as sensors for high-speed gaseous ammonia and nitric oxide.



Areas of work